Sunday, 14 June 2009

~ Tak Sihat...

The Sya is currently tengah sakit. flu, fever & muntah2 juga..
sudah 2 days tidak makan apa2..
This is the best diet ever. AKA i'm STARVING, but everything tastes like mucus. ya,Gross. I know.

Saya sangat benci sakit !!

I've never had the bad flu before, and i now understand why everyone who has had it says that you basically want to die for 3 - 7 days. haha
Well, i'm on 2nd day, and everytime i think things are getting better, something new comes along like muntah2 on this morning. Benci lah~

Thus, esok kena kerja juga. Kerana sangat banyak kerja need to be settle..

P/S : As much as i love living alone, it's times like these that i wish my mom was in the same house with me. Her homemade chicken soup would do wonders for me right now... Rindu Mak!!


Waniey said...

pegi la klinik sya.. ciannyer demam..
nie mesti mkn durian byk sgt.. hehehe.. =)

Bella said...

ciannye die~ kena influenza ke? erks~im afraid.. sya, from d bottom of my heart, i would like to cancel all of our appointment until u get well. im sorry~

*get well soon~

Mazni Maisya said...

sudah ke klinik. tp nampaknye, ubat tak berkesan. lgsung xda rase pun.. adakah doctor ini cube menipu saya?
hehe =P

well bella. since u cancel all appoint with me, i'll have to redha je la.. when i'll get well, menara klcc akan ku fever pulak!

=) thanks beb...

Senah the Jenab Glam said...

cha...aritu nak demam dah dmam...haa..kesian ko...ubat tu ingat cam jampi serampah hampeh ke? take time la..nak bantu antibodi ko..habiskan ubat tu...minum air masak byk2...kalo dpt cuti lagi...cuti cukup2...

get well soon cha!

Mazni Maisya said... la..bila x nak sakit, kena sakit...
bila nak sakit, x sakit plak.ehehe...

ya, hopefully get well cpt. nak g keja pun x da smng skang.

haikal khairuddin said...

get well soon sis~

Mazni Maisya said...

thanx highcarl