Saturday, 10 December 2011

~enough ::

kudos to my boyfriend for making me paranoid about ranting everything about my life online since according to him, people now will go through things you put online and can and might use it against you.
but screw it.
am tell anyway.
Now,i need a lil change
for not write anything in facebook
yess, i will :)

there is a reason why u can't whining over about your life in facebook.


mizz arelida said...

bukak jelah kalau dah x tahan endok...

Mazni Maisya said...

hahaha... mmg tak tahan. tp tahan kan jugep leee :)

Anonymous said...


Mazni Maisya said...

y? sbb whining about your life in facebook may screw u up..
ur pic, ur status.
according to my bf, lbh baik mengadu pd Allah, sbb Allah akan tlong kita. then updating ur status to fb,mengadu, mengeluh.u got nothing. they only will like and comment or maybe laugh at u!