Wednesday, 14 October 2009

~ Money can(t) Buy Happiness

as i'm reading Addin's blog....

Addin kate: so..kesimpulan is not important. it can't buy happiness.

ahah. i don't quite agree with u there bro.
see, i've been thinking to blog bout this. the moments are never right. haha.
now that someone triggers the blogging cells in my brain i want to say something bout this.

to me, money can actually buy happiness.

well not literally, of course la kan.
you can't go to a shop and say, 'bang, tapau satu kegembiraan'.
tipu lah weh.haha =p

ok give me something that makes u happy.
lets take friends for example. you need to be around your friends to feel happy.

1) if you need to hang out with your friends, you need some amount of money as well. even if it's just around riverside, or pak janggut or 24 hour kedai mamak..ais kosong pun 20 sen ma.

2) if you need to go to your friends' house to hang out with them, you do need to pay for the cabs or rapid which costs at least 1rgt, kan kan kan?

ok give me another one. such as blogging.

1) you need internet connection to blog. and when you have the internet connection, you do need to pay for it. (curik line jiran sebelah rumah is a different thing- but u still need to pay for the electricity for your pc)hahaha.

i know some of you are like *errr...what the hell??*.
i'm just babbling. this is not going anywhere. :D
you can stop reading now. toodles!

p/s : BTW, plz enjoy the the post of Herman about our raya =p


Senah the Jenab Glam said...
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Senah the Jenab Glam said...

sadly..i agree with u...hehehhe
(once ada org kata aku ni materilistik..) ye ar..sume pakai duit..

*oh! shower me with money!!

Mazni Maisya said...

everybody pun loves money ..
me too..
nnti btambah syg lg...
hahaha =p