Monday, 24 August 2009

~my new game now~

new info about h1n1. whatever you do DO NOT TOUCH YOUR FACE.
yes, DO NOT.
and you and your friends can keep reminding each other when u see anyone starting to touch their face..
u can shout 'don't touch your face!'.
by doing this, u'll prevent the germs to infect you easily (oh my god, pardon my science language) and admit it, it's a fun game.
'hey! don't touch your face!' 'hey you! stop touching your face'. fun isn't it? haha. just do it. mexico does and it's working.


Senah the Jenab Glam said...

i dont get it?!!

Mazni Maisya said...

erm... kan kita kena wash our hand slalu sbb nak prevent germ/virus h1n1 tu dari terkena..

sbg langkah lainnya, dont touch ur face. sbb germ kat tgn tu leh merebak and u'll get infected..
slalu la cuci tangan dgn btul...and dont touch ur face.
kalo rase sakit, sila pkai mask..
bukan org yg sihat kena pkai, tp org yg sakit..

iklan ini dibwa khas dr kmenterian kshtn... hahah =P

Mazni Maisya said...

erm... kan kita kena wash our hand slalu sbb nak prevent germ/virus h1n1 tu dari terkena..

sbg langkah lainnya, dont touch ur face. sbb germ kat tgn tu leh merebak and u'll get infected..
slalu la cuci tangan dgn btul...and dont touch ur face.
kalo rase sakit, sila pkai mask..
bukan org yg sihat kena pkai, tp org yg sakit..

iklan ini dibwa khas dr kmenterian kshtn... hahah =P

ayie said...

alamak.. xley korek idung!!! lemas arrrr

Mazni Maisya said...

cit..korek idung bulan pose..batal!!!

ayie said...

mlm boleh arrr hahahaha