Tuesday, 11 August 2009

~ Holiday to H1N1

Secara officially student UTHM akan on holiday berkuatkuasa pada Rabu ini.

But i don't like holiday.
as my task and assignment are on progress, this thing stop all my aimed to finish my task.
Thus, my 2 presentation will be postpone until naik cuti, then it makes my presentation to 3 okey!! 3 presentation on one week!
what a chaotic life!
blum campur asgnment ad test lg...

owh, i dont like all this.. i don't like holiday yang mengejut begini.

semua ini kerana H1N1... please go away.

u hurt to many people.
and now u make my life more complicated.
pleaseeee go away.
don't hurt anyone.


haikal khairuddin said...

oh, holiday.
Poli aku dh ada yg positif tapi x cuti lagi pun.~

Mazni Maisya said...

ko dah cuti lama sgt waktu sem tu...
wat pe nak cuti..
Bro highcarl, plz wear mask ok!