Friday, 31 July 2009

~ Siapa cakap student tak busy? tipu.

hi. updating seems impossible these days as it is coming to the maxima week of the semester and i had too many task to be done. ok lets start with next week ya.

- Mdm Sofurah want us to sing The element in Periodic Table (owh, why shuld singing? bace pun leh hafal what!)
- Mind map~ chapters of material technology
- Submit information for philoshophy presentation to Hamzah
- Note on Electromagnet.

- Submit Proposal of Kenegaraan dan pembangunan mutakhir Malaysia
- Media tradisional VS Media Alaf Baru. Impaknya terhadap pilihanraya Malaysia? proposal need to be submit on 8 p.m
- Progress report of material technology's project (OMG!blum start pe2 lg)

- i don't have any task on wednesday but i have to settle lots of things as i have a presentation the next day and a quiz.

- Submit Philosophy's assignment (aah, falsafah ini pening tau tak!)
- Philosophy's Presentation.
- Philosophy Quiz (hari ini mmg hari philosopy... jgn tkejut kalo i mcm org yg berkaliber time tu! haha =P )

so i think that's the end of the hell for next week. next to next week won't be this hectic i think. :D hahaha~~~

p/s : will be updating as soon as possible. as my job were done ok!


haikal khairuddin said...

ohh, susahnya jadi orang dewasa

Mazni Maisya said...

tp kamoo bakal jd dewasa jugak bro...ngee~~ =P

paijambu said...

nk @ xnk kne gak tempuhi..
so ganbatte kudasai!!
to me too..
pnat kn!
2 yg smpai dmam2 tu..
hehe =)
jgn dmam tau!!

Senah the Jenab Glam said...

chaaaa...penatnya schedule ko!!!!

Mazni Maisya said...

paijambu! smoga kamuu cepat sembuh~~

Sweeteddy :
agak penat mggu ni...
aku pun rase penat gile usz...
but have too kan kan...

Mazni Maisya said...

paijambu! smoga kamuu cepat sembuh~~

Sweeteddy :
agak penat mggu ni...
aku pun rase penat gile usz...
but have too kan kan...