Tuesday, 21 April 2009

~ VIRUS perlu dihapuskan

i pity to myself as my new notebook has been infected with those virus who actually do not want to go away from my notebook. seems like it wanna stay forever now. i'm rily ... arghh *banged my head to the table*. i'm not good at these kinda thing.

i'm not good with virus.
especially viruses that rily like to attack attack and attack but is really afraid to come forward and face the efffingg anti-virus.

when we run the anti-virus, it ran away. hide, cowardly.
when we are happy surfing the net, playing the computer games or downloading stuffs, here it goes again.

i seriously don't understand virus.
it's like...they are really brave attacking us, behind our back, but when we want to really see them, through the anti-virus that we have they run away. haih...

p/s: if you say, drop it or forget it..then just fckuing drop it and forget it..


ayie said...

Skali bace rase cam nak ketawe jekk hahaha.. tapi xjadi.. kesian.. sebab aku pernah mengalaminye.. dan dalam xkusedari aku menitis kan air mata sebab semua data aku hilang tanpa sempat untuk di selamatkan... the moral of the story sentiasa la update antivirus.. hehehe
p/s: laptop aku da ilang skang ni.. sume data ilang jugak cedih.. pencuri ni boleh di anggap virus jugak ke?

Mazni Maisya said...

pencuri ni bkn virus..mreka tu bapak kpd virus..
huhuuuu =P

ayie said...

oOoowwh ye ke..
tapi kalo komputer di serang virus.. siapakah yang patut di persalahkan? hehehe tentulah virus dan keluarga virus kan kan kan

Waniey said...

kak sya baik anta kdi cpt.. t makin truk.. t jd mcm laptop kwn wani.. trus xleh on.. =(

Mazni Maisya said...

sudah antar... pengecut virus tu..nyorok kat notebook..
meh la kluar, kite beradu tenaga!!!

huhuuu =P

Senah the Jenab Glam said...

hmmm...nmpaknya senasib la ngan laptop aku...ni member aku punya penyakit virus la ni..pindahkan kat laptop aku...menci tul..

sya..virus ni cam manusia yg busuk hati tahap longkang jugak kan? dlm diam dia buat life huru hara..have u been there?

ayie said...

oit tedy bear.. kalo die pakai perfume camne? bau longkang jugak ke? hehehe len kali update.. di ulangi UPDATE antiverus tue.. hehehe boleh pakai ke kata2 aku neh

Senah the Jenab Glam said...

perfume tu kalo pakai bukan leh cover pun..

ayie said...

yea ker? jap ekss nak memikir

Mazni Maisya said...

btul tu..perfume tu kalo kite pakai waktu kite buchuk, lg buchuk kite... cam virus la...
huhuuu... suke hati je kutuk virus..

virus, jika bace blog aku, jgn attack aku lg wo...
hahahah =P